A minor in Asian & Middle Eastern Studies with a Japanese concentration is available via two options: the language track and the literature track
Option 1: Language Track Requirement: 5 Courses (at least 5 credits)
- 3-4 language courses, 2 of which at the 300 level or above*
- 1-2 corresponding literature/culture courses at the 100 level or above.
Option 2: Literature Track Requirement: 5 Courses (at least 5 credits)
- 2 language courses*†
- 2-3 corresponding literature/culture courses at the 100 level or above. Courses must be taken in AMES.
- Students may take 1 at large literature/culture course. Courses must be taken in AMES.
* Elementary level courses (100 level ) will not count toward the major or the minor. †Students whose competence in a language exceeds the most advanced level offered by the department may substitute literature/culture courses for language courses.
For additional information, or to schedule a placement test, please contact the Coordinator of the Japanese Language Program Professor Yunchuan Chen (yunchuan.chen@duke.edu).
Example Course Plan for Students Taking Intermediate-level Japanese
The language track
JPN 203—Intermediate Japanese I
JPN 204—Intermediate Japanese II
JPN 305—Advanced Japanese I
JPN 306—Advanced Japanese II
AMES 365—World of Japanese Pop Culture
or any other AMES course on Japanese literature/culture
The literature track
JPN 203—Intermediate Japanese I
JPN 204—Intermediate Japanese II
AMES 365—World of Japanese Pop Culture
or any other two AMES courses on Japanese literature/culture
AMES 410—Trauma and Space in Asia
or any other AMES course on areas and cultures beyond Japan