"Working to combine my background in AMES and Environmental Science to develop renewable energy and clean technology solutions and collaboration between the United States and China."
"For the past year, I have been living in Nanjing, China, researching the development of China's domestic solar PV (photovoltaic) energy market. The language skills I developed during my time at Duke in the AMES department have enabled me to be successful throughout the course of my research grant in China. I had never studied Mandarin Chinese prior to arriving at Duke, and now just a year removed from graduation, I have been able to conduct primary research in Mandarin on China's solar energy market (reading policy, government reports, finding statistics, etc.), gaining invaluable insights unavailable if I were to rely on English-language sources only. I am grateful for the AMES department for providing me with the language, culture, and history background that has enabled me to be successful conducting primary research by myself in China."