
Number Title Codes
KOREAN 101 Elementary Korean FL
KOREAN 102 Elementary Korean FL
KOREAN 203 Intermediate Korean FL
KOREAN 204 Intermediate Korean FL, CZ
KOREAN 207 High Intermediate Korean FL, CZ
KOREAN 273T-2 Voices in Music : Korean
KOREAN 305 Advanced Korean CCI, FL, ALP
KOREAN 306S Advanced Korean CCI, FL, CZ
KOREAN 391 Independent Study
KOREAN 407S Issues in Korean Language and Society I CCI, FL, ALP
KOREAN 408S Issues in Korean Language and Society II CCI, FL, ALP
KOREAN 455S Korean Politics and Society: Academic Reading and Writing CCI, EI, FL, CZ, SS
KOREAN 781 Korean for Graduate Students
KOREAN 782 Korean for Graduate Students
KOREAN 791 Independent Study