Turkey's liberal and intellectual climate bridging East and West and tradition and modernity, is a comforting environment in which to learn and explore. Learning Turkish gives access to many new opportunities in policy, international studies, business, science, technological research, and journalism. Turkish is a designated U.S. Dept. of State critical language. Currently, students in Turkey are learning English at a record rate, while few Americans learn Turkish: to offset that imbalance of skill and opportunity, there is greater need for Americans to meet the creative challenge of learning Turkish in the twenty-first century.
Placement in a Turkish language class follows the AMES department placement policy.
These guidelines are intended to acquaint you with the levels of Turkish classes offered at AMES. It will help you chose the right course for your initial enrollment. This self-placement test has to be confirmed and corrected by a formal placement assessment. The official placement will have to be conducted by the instructor. Contact the coordinator Erdağ Göknar, goknar@duke.edu or the instructor Didem Havlioğlu, didem.havli@duke.edu.
Self-Assessment Guidelines
Find the statement that best describes your experience in Turkish, and follow the instructions.
I have never studied Turkish.
- Enroll in TURKISH 101 (Elementary Turkish)
Turkish is spoken in my family. I cannot understand most of what they say.
- Enroll in TURKISH 101 (Elementary Turkish)
I had studied Turkish a few years ago. I cannot remember most of it.
- Enroll in TURKISH 101 (Elementary Turkish)
Turkish is spoken in my family. I can communicate in daily language.
- Enroll in TURKISH 102 (Elementary Turkish)
I studied Turkish for one semester in Turkey.
- Enroll in TURKISH 102 (Elementary Turkish) or TURKISH 203 (Intermediate Turkish)
I studied Turkish for one year in Turkey. I can communicate on basic level and write basic passages about weather, location, personal information.
- Enroll in TURKISH 204 (Intermediate Turkish) or above
I studied Turkish for more than a year.
- Enroll in TURKISH 301 and above
Turkish Language Program Coordinator
Turkish Program Faculty
- Erdag Goknar, Associate Professor
- Didem Havlioglu, Associate Professor of the Practice
- Esragul Bayraktar