Major & Minors

Requirements for the Major

Bachelor of Arts*


10 Courses (at least 10 credits):

  • Language Concentration: Either 2 courses at the 300 level in a single AMES language, or 1 course at the 400 level or above in an AMES language
    • Students whose competence in a language exceeds the most advanced language course offered by AMES may substitute literature/culture courses in this requirement
    • 100-level language courses will not be counted toward the major
  • Gateway Course: 1 course, AMES 195S Gateway Seminar: Rethinking Asia and the Middle East
  • Pathways: at least 3 AMES literature/culture courses in your chosen pathway
    • All AMES courses (including those cross-listed with AMES) should be at 100 level or above, but no more than 2 courses at the 100 level (not including AMES 195S).
    • Students may take courses in other AMES pathways, as long as at least 3 are in a single pathway
    • Courses may be AMES courses and approved non-AMES courses that fulfill the requirement
    • Only courses taught by instructors whose primary appointment is in AMES are assigned pathways.

Senior Portfolio which includes research papers, papers in the AMES languages, creative works and publications when applicable, and a short reflective essay.



Arabic, Chinese, Hebrew, Hindi, Japanese, Korean, Turkish



Regional Pathway:

  • The Middle East
  • East Asia
  • The Indian Subcontinent


Thematic Pathway:

  • Race, Religion, Class, Gender
  • Empire, Nation, Migration
  • Literature, Culture, Media


Requirements for the Minors

For questions related to the AMES minor, please contact Yunchuan Chen (AMES Director of Undergraduate Studies) or Anna Ruhe (AMES Assistant).

For questions related to the AADS minor, please contact AADS Director and Advisor Esther Kim Lee.

AMES Minor*


5 Courses (at least 5 credits), distributed by the Pathway the student choses:

For Language Pathway:

  • At least 3 language courses in a single AMES language at the 200 level or above*
  • At least 1 AMES literature/culture course at the 100 level or above**
  • A total of 5 courses

For Literature and Culture Pathway:

  • At least 2 language courses in one AMES language at the 200 level or above*
  • At least 2 AMES literature/culture courses at the 100 level or above**
  • A total of 5 courses

*Elementary level language courses (100 level) will not count toward the major or the minor. Students whose competence in a language exceeds the most advanced level offered by AMES may substitute literature/culture courses in this requirement.

**All literature and culture classes have to be AMES classes.



Arabic, Chinese, Hebrew, Hindi, Japanese, Korean, Turkish

American &
Studies (AADS)


5 Courses 

  • One Introductory Course, select either:
    • AADS 198/History 198 – Introduction to Asian American History, or
    • AADS 201S – Introduction to Asian American and Diaspora Studies
  • Four Electives:
    • Electives should be AADS courses that may be cross-listed with other units
    • Three of the four must be 200-level or higher
    • At least one must be cross-listed with Asian & Middle Eastern Studies (AMES)

*Students who entered Duke prior to 2020 may elect to fulfill their major or minor requirements based on our previously stated requirements.