6th Annual CAH Workshop

April 16, -

6th Annual CAH Workshop

The 6th Annual CAH Workshop will be held virtually in three sessions:

Friday, February 19th-Zoom Meeting ID  https://duke.zoom.us/j/97269890532

Benjamin Kindler presents "Our Friends in the South: Anti-Colonial Universalisms and
Sino-Vietnamese Solidarity in the Global 1960s"

Respondent:  Professor Leo Ching

Kindler Abstract

Event Flyer

Session 1 Recording

Friday, March  12th-Zoom Meeting ID https://duke.zoom.us/j/97173322681

10AM EST Jessica Tan presents "The Modernist at Crossroads: Locating
Sinophone Malayan Writer Wei Beihua in Post-war Southeast Asia"

Respondent: Professor Carlos Rojas

Tan Abstract

11AM EST Hayana Kim presents “Embodying Democracy in the Graveyard: Commemorative
Activism and Confounding the Border of Politics and Emotion in South Korea"

Respondent: Professor Nayoung Aimee Kwon

Kim Abstract

Session 2 Recording

Friday, April 16th-Zoom Meeting ID https://duke.zoom.us/j/93803082256

10AM EST Yuqing Liu presents "Pidgin Poetics: Writing Pidgin English in the 19th Century Chinese Poetry"

Respondent: Professor Eileen Chow

Liu Abstract 

Session 3 Liu Recording

11AM EST  Arina Mikhalevskaya “Living Creatures or Mythical Beasts? Exotic Animals in Early Modern China“

 Respondent: Professor Will Carroll

Mikhalevskaya Abstract

Session 3 Mikhalevskaya recording available to Duke affilates by request.





6th Annual CAH Workshop


Stacy Weiss