Human Bod(il)y Waste and Aesthetics: Japanese Transnational Narratives
February 9,
Human Bod(il)y Waste and Aesthetics: Japanese and Transnational Narratives examines human bod(il)y waste in literary and artistic representations. The symposium consists of two panels, one on Japan and the other on East Asia and transnational, including American Asian, literature and media. The symposium aims to create a space for a transnational discussion about the intersections between contemporary artistic production and various practices and objects related to human bodily waste, from waste management, toilet fixtures, coprophagia, and enemas, to bodies treated as waste. Key theoretical and disciplinary words include new materialism(s), eco-criticism(s), environmental humanities, and environmental justice.
All panelists: Japan Panel Speakers: Ikuho Amano (University of Nebraska-Lincoln), Linda Galvane (Duke), Anne Allison (Duke), Thomas McDonald (Stanford)
Transnational Panel: Anna Storti (Duke), Carlos Rojas (Duke), Guo-Juin Hong (Duke), Annabel Kim (Harvard)